Feed Grains

About our feed grain products

Feed grains are whole grains such as corn, wheat and barley used in the feeding of livestock and poultry. We offer a variety of types of feed grains to choose from, including identity-preserved, organic and non-GMO options. If you have a different need, let us know. We’d be happy to help you find a solution.

Feed Barley beans


Barley is a grain with high energy and protein used for feed of ruminate livestock, such as cattle. It can be used in growing and finishing diets or used in blends or feed mixtures.

Yellow Corn

Yellow corn is a major source of starch and is the best suited for processing and feedstock for cattle and poultry and is available in bulk vessel, truck, rail or barge.

Feed wheat


Feed wheat is wheat that didn't reach standards needed for milling due to disease, drought or sprouting. This feed-grade wheat is a palatable, digestible energy source for cattle, pigs and poultry.

Looking for more product information?
Talk to our animal feed ingredients team.

Barley protein ingredient

Emerge is an exclusive product that supports sustainable aquaculture practices and clean pet food formulations. It’s the only innovative, barley protein concentrate and is environmentally friendly, traceable and non-GMO.