Construction of New Scoular Grain Facility Underway Near Corley, Iowa

Farmers Can Sell Corn and Soybeans Now for Fall 2015 Delivery

OMAHA, NE (May 8, 2015) – Shelby County grain farmers will have a new convenient and competitive destination for their corn and soybeans when harvest rolls around this fall.  A two-million bushel grain storage facility, with unloading speeds of 25,000 bushels per hour, is being constructed by The Scoular Company on a greenfield site near Corley, Iowa.

“In the past, grain companies expected the farmer to come to them,” said Will Bramblett who oversees Scoular’s southwest Iowa network of grain elevators.  “Today, farmers have more acres but the same amount of time to get their work done, which can be particularly challenging for them at harvest time.

Driving miles to reach a grain elevator, and sitting in line waiting to be unloaded, are big time and money wasters.  We understand that, so we are bringing the market closer. We are building a large capacity, quick-unloading facility in an area where we feel grain producers are currently underserved.”

Bramblett added, “Scoular will offer competitive prices at the Corley facility by using the company’s extensive grain marketing network.  We will connect locally produced grain to the best market, whether it’s across the county, state, country, or even around the world.”

Farmers interested in selling grain for fall delivery to the new Corley facility can call (712) 741-5437 and talk with grain merchandisers at Scoular’s location in Hancock, Iowa.

About The Scoular Company  

A 123-year-old company with more than $6 billion in sales, The Scoular Company operates 130 independent business units that provide diverse supply chain solutions for end-users and suppliers of grain, feed ingredients, and food ingredients around the globe. From nearly 90 offices and facilities in North America, South America, and Asia, our 800+ employees are engaged in the business of buying, selling, storing, and handling grain and ingredients as well as managing transportation and logistics worldwide.

Location Detail 

Greenfield site near Corley: The new Scoular grain-handling facility will be conveniently located one-half mile northeast of Corley, just off Hwy 59 on County Highway F58.

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